Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Grape Harvest Time

Curt is offering candy to motivate us during English class. We were having a competition my Spanish vs. their English.

Danara and her dad Edgar visiting a bit after class is over. 

The bus line we use Cruz de Sur has some construction going on at their Nasca station.  We watched them as we waited for our bus that was coming from Tacna and would take us to Lima. 

The bus had been stopped by Customs and was running quite late.  After they picked us up, they made a stop at this little roadside market for anyone needing a quick snack to tide them over until we got to Lima.  

Reading some of the menu at La Lucha. A yummy little sandwich shop in Mira Flores across the street from Kennedy Park. I love eating out when we go to Lima! We went to a Capilla Abierta training.  We've been asked to help the stakes and districts in the southern part of the mission offer open houses in their various chapels. We are looking forward to getting started.

Three Kings Day finishes up the Christmas holidays for us here in Peru.  As you can see, the bus terminal is packed with holiday travelers. 

Mirella and Damaris are printing out Mirella's plane and bus tickets. 

Sunday I had a couple of moments that weren't so great.  While in the shower, there was a loud pop with flames.  The electrical wires had melted through and shorted out. No more hot water.  Later that day, Curt left his smart phone in a taxi. Uugh!  Curt was able to replace the water heater on Monday morning but the phone is gone. His phone took really clear pictures and we'll miss it!

Our new shower is so much nicer!  There is plenty of water and it is actually warm. I am so blessed that I married such a capable man!

The grapes are ripe so we spent some of our p-day this week picking and cleaning up the grapes. The birds and bees were going to finish them off before we got them done if we waited any more.

We don't have a ladder so Curt just had to climb around on the walls. Sometimes if he couldn't reach well, he'd clip them and I'd catch them from below. Sometimes I think he just chose the juiciest, messiest ones for me to try and catch.

After cleaning up our mess we took bags of grapes around to our friends and neighbors. Hopefully now our front porch won't have quite as much sticky on it.

Finished up our Monday helping Mirella complete her family history booklet to take on her mission with her. 

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