Monday, November 28, 2016

Primary Program

We welcomed Hermana Zuchel (Chile) to Nazca with a batch of cinnamon rolls at our district meeting this week.

By the looks on their faces, I think they were a hit.

The hermanas came over and baked cookies and helped get little goodie bags together for the primary children.

My job was getting the pecans into pieces and ready to go in the cookies.

Taste testing cookies is very important.  Then we headed off to buy the rest off what we needed for the primary children's treat bags.  We had to hurry, the Sisters only had a couple of hours for service.  I'm glad they were willing and able to help us this week.

Out and about we saw these people drying fish eggs (to be used in soups etc).  At least at this place they weren't lying directly on the ground like at other places we've seen.

The board the Sister's alarm attaches to was broken so Curt took another one over and replaced it for them.

This young man was visiting from CaƱete and wanted his picture taken with us.  Hermana Russell had taught him the gospel and he knew the Myers so it was almost like running into an old friend.  

A picture of the primary children after their Sacrament Meeting Program.  I wished we could have taken a picture during the program.  They looked so cute with little red, yellow, or blue scarves around their necks.  They recited articles of faith and sang their little hearts out.  Way to go primary (and their leaders).

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