The first couple of days of this week we did the normal English lessons, family history, district meeting etc - no pics.
Wed. morning we were supposed to catch the bus at 8:30 a.m. They call us at 7:25 a.m. and say the bus is already there and waiting. I was nowhere near ready! Curt tells them we will be there in 10 minutes (5 of that is getting a taxi and getting down there) Needless to say it was a rushed morning but, we made it and we were very grateful when we got to Lima and hadn't forgotten anything of major importance. |
A member of our area authority, Elder Falabella, came to visit our mission and gave some great training. Here we are after enjoying a bit of lunch between meetings (l to r Hna Aird, Hna and Pres. McGinn, Elder Falabella and E' Mayberry) |
Our zone ready for pictures and just waiting for the leaders to come over. |
Ica Zone in Ica with Elder Falabella and the McGinns. |
Some of the other zones waiting in line for their pictures to get taken before we head back in for another inspiring meeting. |
While we were in Lima, we went across town to the church area offices in the La Molina district. We were trying to get a video file downloaded but the gentleman in charge of that was in Arequipa for their temple groundbreaking ceremony. He did take care of it for us when he got back to Lima. Curt is standing outside the offices trying to order a taxi (something that can end up being a hassle when phone service isn't at its best) |
Heading from our Casa Andina Hotel to the Cruz de Sur bus terminal for a trip to Paracas. Curt is calling to check on the taxi five minutes before it's scheduled to arrive (he's had a couple of no-shows lately so he's being a little extra cautious) |
Hnas Staheli and Saucedo at our first Capilla Abierta for Pisco and Pisco Playa wards. |
Here the sisters are in the Cultural Hall visiting with a group about some of our fundamental beliefs which are shown on the banners behind them. |
E' Arcos and E' Johnson sharing their testimonies about the importance of baptism. |
E' Cornejo and E' Anderson sat at a table sharing materials and gathering information from those who wanted to know more. |
Each organization created their own display showing a little bit about themselves. Here we have the young women's display. |
The Relief Society displayed some of the things the women had been up to. |
Young Adults with their display board showing their recent service projects and activities. |
The primary room had some animated videos being shown (I was tempted to hang out in there with them). |
Refreshments! Inca Cola, Sprite and sandwiches for any and all. Everyone seemed to enjoy sitting around visiting for a bit. |
The next morning we took a boat ride out to the Ballestas Islands. Yep, sun is strong here in Peru! |
Before we got to the islands, we saw the Candelabra. It is a huge geoglyph that they say can be seen from about 12 miles out to sea. |
The docks at the island where they go to collect the bird guano every few years. There were definitely tons of birds out there! |
A sea lion resting on a nearby rock as we went by. It looked up once but I wasn't quick enough with the camera and it lost interest. |
All the guy sea lions that didn't get the harems hang out here at this bachelor pad rock together. |
We had a successful Sunday training in San Andres the next morning. We both really enjoyed visiting that ward. This friendly little one came out and kept us entertained after the meetings while we waited for a taxi. It was a good week! |